Better Business with Bronsolinio

Written by
Chris Nazzaro
Partner, Creative

Action Bronson serves up some gems to remind us all how we should be going about building healthy, sustainable business.

Sure, you could scour AdAge or look to the biggest agencies in the game for your navigating this new era of marketing and business. But sometimes that sage industry advice comes from inspirational humans that are off following their intuition and not strictly data. So after recently listening to an interview with Action Bronson on one of our favorite channels, idea generation, we've decided to list some of our top takeaways for building better business as creators and marketers.

Photo Credit: Digital Trends Media Group

Always Mind Your ‘Mise en place’

Everything in the market operates at the speed of now. To be effective in this climate, our biggest nemesis is time. Whether it's a go-to-market promotion, or a new business relationship, you never want to feel like you're on your heels. As Action reminds us: "If you're on time, you're late." Show up ready to do your job, don't prepare to do your job while you're at work. Look beyond that brief's base value. Planning your next move is critical to creating positive momentum in everything we do. Many agencies and clients work very black and white - brief informing deliverables, then on to the next. The true opportunity is always gathering ingredients and preparing for the next order - think past the immediate objective and line items to make a more significant impact. Many of us fall into the scope of work tunnel, peddling the hamster wheel against repetitive programs wedged into expected calendar tent poles. The most crucial move is to look at all of those individual assignments as collective pieces that can unlock bigger business challenges and inform ideas that can solve unspoken business needs. If our business as creative partners is strictly transactional, our output will feel the same to our consumers.

Fail Daily to Win the Long Game.

It's not a term that sits easily with any of us in an industry based on client service with value is placed on KPI's and prefect execution. Failing makes us uncomfortable - it can lose money, and maybe clients, but evolving and honing our ability to understand how to connect is critical. Younger generations of creators remind us of this - it's about putting the content out, not the polish. Just as Action paints with his non-dominant hand because he has less control over it, it reminds us to create with imperfection to achieve that 'human touch. The consumer landscape is a two-way conversation. Like any relationship it's about building as you go. It's essential to start the narrative and build upon it with your audience instead of dictating it to them based on numbers and statistics. Let them help us shape our story to create authentic connections that last and grow organically over time - sweet sweet sustainability is the goal.

Photo Credit: VICE / GettyImages

Don’t Follow the Formula.

With influencers and unlimited access to information, there is no longer a 'formula' for success. Consumers are more unpredictable and less loyal to brands than ever before. Just like Action follows his intuition and lets his passion guide the way, so must agencies and brands. Strategy can help determine the output of consumer behavior after the fact, but nothing can act as a crystal ball. All we can do is read the room and put our best foot forward in the name of our guests - free from our corporate agenda and 'go-get' margins. Too many brands try to be everything to everyone instead of focusing on those who align with their values. Don't always focus on expanding your audience to hit next quarter's numbers; instead, focus deeper on those who are already listening to build loyalists, who will be your future advocates in their extended circles. Just as Action only laid down bars for his friends in the kitchen to make them laugh, we need to play to the audiences that accept and love us for who we are; the rest will grow from there. The keys to success are handed to those who lead with a clear vision and don't play the chameleon card to shareholders and partners placing profit over people. "Don't let anyone control your destiny."

Ultimately, as marketers, designers, and brands, we are all chasing that 'lightning in a bottle moment', and we realize that numbers, budgets, awards, and accolades cannot predict nor define that moment for any of us. It's all about following your passion and continuing to create with like-minded partners that share your values and work ethic. Above all else, remember to trust your gut, stay humble and soak up the wisdom of those in your orbit.

See the full interview here: